climate change
By Jayson Veley
NYT caught in total bulls##t LIE about Trump and a climate change report… WashPost labels “epic screw-up”
Have you ever stopped and asked yourself why the left-wing media constantly lies to the American people? It would seem that if the people really were embracing big government, and really did want to surrender their liberty to an all powerful state, then the liberals would just be up front with their true agenda. Likewise, […]
By Isabelle Z.
The REAL goal of climate change alarmism is to achieve global food scarcity, mass human poverty and depopulation
A lot of scientists have been scratching their heads over some of the claims of climate change activists. After all, the results that we’d get from following their advice and getting rid of carbon dioxide, for example, completely fly in the face of their stated goal of making the earth greener. How is it that […]
By Tracey Watson
Weather Channel founder tells CNN “climate change is a hoax” … 31,000 scientists agree
Al Gore’s 2006 documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, and extensive reporting by the mainstream media have led many to accept catastrophic man-made global warming as a scientific fact. But, while this theory is increasingly being taught in schools and other institutions, it is important to note that there are thousands of reputable scientists who absolutely do […]
By Jayson Veley
Climate change cultists are now taking over your local weather forecast
There is an ongoing effort in this country to do away with America’s capitalist economic system in the name of “saving the planet.” Radical environmentalists like Al Gore believe that if they continue to spread propaganda about the planet’s imminent doom as a result of carbon dioxide being sent up into the atmosphere, then people […]
By Vicki Batts
NYT Columnist being attacked by the Left after writing about the ridiculousness of “blindly” supporting climate change narratives
The “nasty left” has a new target: Bret Stephens. The former Wall Street Journal writer recently authored a piece about climate change for The New York Times — and the paper’s liberal readers were not too happy about it. Stephens made the mistake of presenting a rational, unbiased opinion about climate change — but to extreme Leftists, […]
By Mike Adams
Top 10 most delusional “facts” of the lunatic left-wing fact-checkers
Since Facebook has announced its intention to erect a Ministry of Truth echo chamber by labeling all news it doesn’t like “fake news,” I thought it appropriate to unveil the top 10 most delusional “facts” people will be subjected to if they keep viewing Facebook, CNN, or any other news propaganda being put out by […]
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